
​​​​​​​LOVE, Chapter One

Everybody has their own ideas about love.  God gives us choices about love. It is good to know this, however;  God is love.

Because God is love, he loves us already, no matter who we are, no matter what we do, even if his desire is for us to do better.​​  God cannot be seen by our human eyes, but he loves us, and wants us to be with him.   He has done many things to keep us from being separated from him...But it is still up to us to want him.  Wanting to be with God can be referred to as the desire to be saved from everything else.

HOW TO BE SAVED.  ​​If you are willing to A.  Admit that you make mistakes sometimes, or even a lot (do things that try to make you feel separate from God, called sin)  B.  Believe God sent his Son, who is known as Jesus Christ, to save you from your mistakes (sin or sins) by giving his life on the Cross, and rising to life again (resurrection), and C.  Confess that Jesus Christ saved you, then you will be saved.   These words come from Romans 10:9-10.  Being saved is the greatest thing you can do, because it prepares you for life in a new place that is filled with things prepared just for you by God, who is love.  This place is not just where God is.  It can also be experienced now.

Now, if you want to​ get to know and experience God's love, talk to God, either in your mind, or out loud.  Realize this...Your heart and mind is your personal closet, so if you speak to God inside your heart and mind, inside yourself without talking out loud, ask God to hide your secret talks in his love unless something needs to be revealed...The reason why is that not only do we have enemies outside of our bodies, but we are also our own enemy sometimes.  But by praying this way, no one except you will ever know what you say to him except him.  If you don't mind, this is a great prayer.

Our Father, which is in Heaven, Holy is your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.  Give us this day, our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.   And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.  For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, forever, Amen.  This is prayer, and this prayer comes from the Bible, Matthew 6, starting at verse 9.​​

Now if you want to tell God about a problem, or give thanks, or say other things...Just talk to him.  Here's another idea.  It might sound funny...But when you really think about it, prayer is talking to God, just as you would anyone else.  Just come to him with respect, and try it, if you haven't done so before.

​​Hello, God.  I talk to you today because of Jesus Christ, and just want to say thank you.
(Think of some good things you believe God does for you.  Believe me, the list of things will grow, smile.)
God, take care of me.  I believe you do, and I hope you will continue to do so.
(Tell him what you need to tell him.)​​  If you will, end it with these words:  I pray this in Jesus' name, Amen.  The reason why you pray in the name of Jesus Christ is this, for it is written in his word.

John 14:13-14  (Jesus speaks this from his word in the Bible)

13 And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 If you ask[a] anything in My name, I will do it.​​

Say whatever you need to say.  it is important to be honest, because God is real, and he already knows.  He just wants to hear from you.

If there is a problem with something...or somebody, talk to Jesus about it...he will take care of it.  Do not, please, take on problems yourself.  That is not your job.  Every battle belongs to the Lord, and so does the victory (2 Chronicles 20).   When you try to take care of things yourself that are not meant for you, you run into a lot of trouble that is not yours to handle.  Also, thank God when you realize he has done something for you, or just for who he is.  This is called praise.​​​​

This is the beginning of a love relationship with God in salvatioin.  Talk to him, and believe.  Read his words in the Bible, but ask God to help you know what he means.  Don't worry about negative things you might feel, and try not to judge what people in the Bible did.  God wants us to read to know what helps you, not to just imitate people to think we will get what they got.  God knows what you need.  He has a plan just for you.  Keep your mind on God.  Let him show you the way.​​​​​​

Yes, sometimes it will be hard...But God doesn't leave, so don't leave him...Deuteronomy 31:6, Hebrews 13:5.​​


LOVE, Chapter Two (Read Chapter One first.  God does not want you confused about anything.)

God's love has never changed.  We sometimes think God's love changes, but it is we who change our focus of love sometimes.  Please know that God is able to do new things to show his love, and to change our circumstances yes...But his love does not change.  Our mood, ideas, attitude, and hope changes.  We live in a flesh body.  Flesh is different from faith.  Flesh is different from God's love.  Not to say we don't love, but our flesh love is different.  It is different because we are weak.  We love, and run to things for satisfaction. But God does not require these things.  It is because of him that they were made, for our enjoyment.  Know this:  God is love, and he owns everything and is everything.  All that we need aside from what he have already been given is all in the package called HIS LOVE, because it is WHO HE IS.  Everything in the Universe bows to him, even evil, although it does not want to.  But we as human beings have been given a choice by God to love him or not love him, to receive him or reject him, to be saved, or be unsaved.​​  This is the greatness of his love for us--That, during Jesus Christ's crucifixion, even as people spat on Jesus, yes, even pulled out his hair, rejected Jesus--Jesus still did what he was sent to do, because he is perfect in his love, and represents God in the flesh.  He forgave us.  That is hard for us.  But God shows his perfect example in the flesh.  Christ Jesus.  

Even as Jesus came in the flesh, to save us from our flesh.  His flesh was not unlike ours when he prayed before he gave up his life.  Jesus said,  "...let this cup pass from me...", and said on the cross to his Father, "...Why hast thou forsaken me?", which proves he was flesh.  But the God in Jesus Christ did not give in to his flesh.  His love did not give in to save his physical life.  Jesus could have let us go, but he could not stop being love for us.  He was obedient to himself, and gave up his Holy Spirit so that we would not be cursed, and would not go to hell.  It is important to believe in what Jesus did for us.  Even when our flesh makes mistakes [sin(s)], it is important that Jesus saved us, and he has already done it.  What we have to do is believe in what Jesus did, and look to him for forgiveness when we make mistakes, or sin.  This is another reason why prayer is a great way to stay in touch with God for what we need.  We need to believe and know that we are forgiven, and surrender to the fact that we are, and can be forgiven, and forgive ourselves, and other people as well.  This requires a surrender to all we know about who we are, and a surrender and dependence on who God says we are in his word.  This is called rest, or resting in the Lord.